Andrew kelly 13th February 2024

I was deeply shocked to hear of Martin’s death. I worked with Martin for over 20 years in many ways and on many projects. He was a huge supporter of our work in Bristol Cultural Development Partnership. Without him, we would never have been able to run Festival of the Future City as he provided both intellectual and financial support. He also supported many other events in our Festival of Ideas and would introduce and chair for us, including co-hosting Bernie Sanders and Naomi Klein. Martin was my go-to person in UWE for ideas, connections, support and influence. He was always friendly, never turned me down, and his advice was spot on. More recently, he contributed to our book on the future of Bristol with a typically well-written and evidence-based piece. He even offered to help collect the two cats we’d adopted from the local sanctuary near to him. He was a calm and steady presence in all our work. I already miss him, and he will be a huge loss.