Nick Sturge 13th February 2024

I worked with Martin since probably the mid-late 2000s on city things, enterprise things and generally anything where there was a role for UWE to play in the city region. A genuinely loyal, thoughtful and generous human, always available for a conversation to explore ways of working across and between the two universities that we represented. He was prepared to spend the time explaining why any idea of mine would or wouldn't work, and if something was possible he would give it a try and find ways round the hurdles in our respective institutions. Martin was the face of UWE in so many things regionally and must be credited with playing a significant role in how the city region thrives now. The famous "SQW report" is of particular note - his foresight to get that study done, highlighting the challenges and strengths, helped shape many future conversations and actions. He is sorely missed.