Jane Newton 21st February 2024

I was very shocked and saddened to hear about Martin. He was my line manager for a number of years when he was Associate Dean for Research in the Faculty of Environment and Technology and once he had moved on we continued to work closely together on REF submissions along with sharing the joys of implementing a Research Management system across the University. The work was hard but we also had a lot of fun - Martin had a wry sense of humour which was always used to great effect. When based in the Faculty, our research Christmas lunches, in which Martin played a key role, were especially memorable! He was always very kind and very supportive and not afraid to show his more thoughtful and human side. He was so proud of his family and his dogs and we would have many chats about them in the quieter moments. He was admired and respected by all and will be much missed. My thoughts are with his family at such a difficult time.